“I started seeing Roman in 2007. I had gotten to the point where even slightly leaning forward would cause extreme back pain and weakness. Roman worked with me diligently and within no time, I was completely pain free.

A couple of years later, I developed plantar fasciitis for the second time in my life. I had suffered plantar fasciitis years before moving to Cheticamp. At that time, it took approximately 3 years to go away, with numerous therapies, expensive orthotics, a special brace and expensive footwear. Roman was able to completely remove it in 5 treatments, with a combination of massage, acupuncture and cupping.

I have continued to see Roman over the years when required. Roman does not just work on the symptoms, he investigates and finds the precipitating factors for each issue and suggests recommendations to prevent the issue from recurring. Most recently, Roman helped me with torticollis and sciatica in his usual professional and knowledgeable fashion. I am very grateful for his presence in this community.”

- Cathy Spence

“Massage Therapy is not new to me. I have been an advocate and recipient of Massage Therapy in every city I have worked or lived in. Roman has been one of the best practitioners that I have had the pleasure to come in contact with. He takes his profession seriously, is up to date on information, and is more than helpful in terms of his knowledge and advice. Whether you are seeking a session for relaxation, or for therapy for injury or pain, he is the go-to guy. We are lucky to have him on this side of the Island.”

- Peter Mancini

“I first went to see Roman in 2009 when I was training to run my first Marathon and wanted to ensure I took extra care of my body as I pushed it harder than ever! I was successful in continually adding mileage to my runs without any sustained injury…and so I was hooked!  Over the years, I have continued to see Roman for countless treatments aimed at both wellness /injury prevention, as well as targeted treatments for minor aches, injuries, back pain, and most recently concussion symptoms.  Roman is very professional and knowledgeable in both wellness/prevention and treatment!  I would highly recommend his services.” 

- Lyse Anne LeBlanc

“As an active outdoor enthusiast, I realize I am bound to get injured and have the occasional aches and pains! My work also requires me to sit for long periods of time typing and driving which irritates my back and my hips. I have been seeing Roman on a monthly basis for 13 years, either for what I call my “monthly preventative tune-up” or occasionally to help address a specific ache.

I love the phrase “Motion is Life”. I frequently remind Roman that his treatments definitely keep me moving, and Lord knows what kind of shape I would be in without East Coast Therapeutics. In 2009, I flipped my mountain bike coming down Montagne Noire during Across the Highlands Challenge and suffered a neck injury. The immediate and attentive treatment I received from Roman had me moving freely again in no time with a quick return to my normal activities and work. I feel so fortunate to say I rarely suffer from neck pain, and when I do, I can usually quickly identify the trigger.

As an occupational therapist, I value Roman as a colleague. Roman is a holistic practitioner who understands the importance of learning the person’s whole story, their daily activities, and the environment in which these activities take place. He asks appropriate question to learn what might be triggering your pain and helps to figure out how to prevent further aggravation so that you are able to get the most benefit from his treatment. Roman has sound knowledge in the area of ergonomics, that is the fit between the person and his/her environment and takes this into consideration within his practice.

Unfortunately, there are often longer wait times than we would like to see in rehab services for physiotherapy treatment. If you have been referred to physio and are waiting, please consider an assessment at East Coast Therapeutics. You might be a candidate for massage treatment to help manage your pain in the interim or you may discover that massage treatment was exactly what you needed as a solution to moving pain free again.

It is such a pleasure to know Roman both personally and professionally. He is professional, extremely pleasant, caring, highly attentive, and has a great wealth of knowledge. I cannot say enough about his service, he is definitely a gem in our area, and I highly recommend his services to everyone who moves!”

- Noella LeFort

“I have been a client of Roman’s for many years, and throughout the years he has helped me many times!  He is very knowledgeable and uses approved techniques that give results.  I would recommend him for all of your Massage Therapy and Acupuncture needs.”

- Shelly Merry AuCoin

“I’ve been going to see Roman for Massage Therapy for a while. Now I can go downstairs without holding on to a railing and get up from my chair without holding on to the arms of the chair. Also going for walks now, which I could not do before. I highly recommend Roman for any problem you are having.”

- Yvon Gaudet

“Going for a massage is always nice and relaxing, as well as something to look forward to when you are in the best of health. However, when you are not feeling well, having aches and pains or general discomforts, a massage may be essential to help relieve your pain and a visit to ‘East Coast Therapeutics’ may be able to help.

I am a Nurse who works 12-hour shifts, suffering from back/hip discomfort, and TMJ. The therapy provided by Roman has been able to provide relief and alleviate my pain, as well as provide at home support and recommendations that really work, to help further manage my aches and pains and prevent any further injuries.

Roman is able to provide amazing customized care plans for each individual client based on their trouble areas and complaints. He is an excellent and knowledgeable provider and practitioner.

The body is intricate, and various pains may not be an easy or simple fix, however Roman is able to utilize his knowledge and experience to provide a multitude of treatment options and recommendations to ensure you are feeling your best. Roman addresses various injuries and targeted complaints through massage, acupuncture and other treatment options. He is able to work with other interdisciplinary professions such as occupational therapists, physiotherapists, osteopaths, physicians etc. to ensure that his clients receive the best and most up to date treatment plan.

Not only is Roman a knowledgeable practitioner, he is also a caring and compassionate, which has obviously been displayed during the Covid-19 pandemic. He has been sending very frequent emails to his clients and has been trying to make the best of home care suggestion during these trying times.

I would highly recommend ‘East Coast Therapeutics’ as a treatment center for any individual seeking professional massage therapy and general consultations regarding their health and well-being.”

- Terri MacDonald

“Being arthritic and having issues with my knees and hips, Roman is able to isolate the area and relieve pain and mobility issue I was having. Walking and posture is improving weekly with his skills. With his various methods of deep issue massage and stretching tight points I am able to sleep relatively pain free. Thank you, Roman, for your efforts to getting me back on my feet and moving more freely again. You have enabled me to do the things I love, gardening and hiking. Maybe sailing is possible again in the future.”

- Jennifer Ayres

“I have been seeing Roman for over 10 years. Back pain resulting from a fracture in my L1 vertebrae is what led me to him. Now, Roman doesn't have the magic power to rebuild that shattered disc...lol...but he has helped and continues to help me. I had not realised how much tension I had stored in my whole body...so we started with that and that went away...which made dealing with the actual pain easier to take...from then on we worked through treatments, suggestion of different exercises and the best to date I think was his suggestion of YIN YOGA which helps with stretching and flexibility. To this date I continue to see Roman on a regular basis for maintenance. I highly recommend him as a therapist...he is very professional and knowledgeable.”

- Gilberte Cormier

“I have been seeing Roman for approximately seven years for a rotator cuff injury. Through Roman’s excellent care, my shoulder has remained healthy with a full range of motion. Roman is accommodating, dependable and knowledgeable and I feel very fortunate to have him practicing in my community. I would not hesitate to recommend Roman to anyone! Thank you Roman!”

- Linus Roach

“I had plantar fasciitis in my left foot which was very painful. I went for a few sessions with Roman where he did deep massage and acupuncture. He was very professional. I am very grateful for his help and would recommend him to anyone!!!”

- Alcida LeBlanc

“I have been a client with Roman off and on for different injuries…need I say more. Always knowledgeable, professional and friendly. Receiving a knee replacing during Covid 19, when no physio and massage therapy was available was not easy. Roman’s online advice and tricks to cope with my night pain has been beyond amazing. He truly cares for his clients. I would without hesitation recommend anyone to give him a call...you won’t be disappointed. Thanks Roman!!!

- Freda Boudreau

“I began sessions with Roman 13 years ago, treating everything from neck and shoulder pain to knee discomfort as well as sciatic nerve pain. What I liked about Roman as a Massage Therapist was his availability especially when you were really hurting or even when you just needed that general relaxation massage. I do lots of driving, sitting and stretching that really affects the proper alignment of my body in my job as a Dental Hygienist. Roman has always been able to make suggestions from massage treatments, acupuncture to even aides that will help improve my body alignment. Prevention has always been a big part of my job, but I forgot how much we need to treat our body with prevention treatments such as Massage Therapy. Roman is always up for a good laugh or joke too, which helps with relaxation. Thanks Roman for all you do in our small communities, very much appreciated.”

- Barbara Wyrwas

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