Myofascial Release

Myofascial tissue can be thought of as a giant spider web in your body. It surrounds all internal structures and provides support to everything from bones to muscles to nerves, blood vessels and organs. The connectivity of myofascial tissue explains how trauma to your back can affect motion in your neck. Myofascial release is a manual technique that can free up stagnation in this important tissue. A very slow and gentle, hands on stretch creates a release in the restricted myofascial tissue and restores motion.


Deep Tissue Massage

Your body is very layered with regards to muscles. Sometimes the muscles that are involved with your pain are actually quite deep and it is important to sink through layers of tissue to reach myofascial restrictions, strained muscles or trigger points. It is common to experience some soreness for a few days after a Deep Tissue Massage and if there is pain due to the session itself, it can usually be reduced by icing the area.


Trigger Point Release

Trigger Points are hyperirritable spots in muscle fibers that can cause local and referred pain. They are often referred to as ‘knots’ in muscles and they produce pain in very specific patterns. For example a trigger point in your low back can cause pain in your hip. Travell and Simons, MD are considered the pioneers in this field. You can release these tight spots by applying pressure and needling them with acupuncture needles. I often incorporate Trigger Point work into my treatments and provide home care advice on how you can release them yourself.



Acupuncture is a very safe and effective treatment method, which has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 2000 years and has become part of some western medicine treatments.

I completed my acupuncture training in 2012 and I am a Registered Acupuncturist with the Maritime Association of Registered Acupuncturists (MARA).

Since the completion of my studies, I have treated clients with acupuncture for sciatic pain, plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, tennis and golfer’s elbow, low back and hip pain, tinnitus, TMJ, headaches and shoulder pain.

My approach to acupuncture treatments is based on a combination of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) acupuncture points and western medical acupuncture.  TCM practitioners insert needles into acupuncture points, which have very specific effects in harmonizing the body; bringing it towards homeostasis and self regulation.

The western medical approach to acupuncture involves needling trigger points and motor points in muscles as well as using electrical stimulation to these points. This process helps release tension and it can aid in stimulating muscles that are weakened. The needles promote increased blood flow to the area and help with speeding up the healing process. It also affects the nervous system and activates specific receptors that inhibit the transmission of painful stimuli.

Some of my recent continuing education was with Whitfield Reaves, a well known sport medicine acupuncturist. 


Traditional Chinese Medicine Cupping Therapy

This is an excellent technique to free up myofascial tension. Cupping Therapy is widely used in Traditional Chinese Medicine and has found its way into many Massage Therapy clinics. The suctioning of the cups lifts up the skin and helps release tension, while also promoting circulation. It is a very effective method, especially when multiple cups are used to treat an area. All of the associated bruising and redness resolves within a few days. Traditionally glass cups are used in combination with a cloth that is set on fire. The fire removes the oxygen in the cup and causes the suction. I personally use plastic cups and create the suctioning effect with a pump as it has the same result and is a bit safer to use.


Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology taping is widely used with athletes and patients dealing with injuries. It can support weak joints as well as help with recovery of strained muscles. You can wear it for up to 5 days and it will retain its adhesion even after taking a shower. Kinesiology tape has a lot of stretch within its fibers and allows for good range of motion. It is a great option when a client does not want to wear a bulky knee brace for example. Kinesiology tape can provide a lot of support without bothering day to day activities.