Preventing neck pain


With so many people working from home right now, I thought it would make sense to point out a good practice in preventing strain on your neck - the use of headsets.

This may seem really obvious to a lot of you, but you would be surprised how many people use their phones in an old fashioned way. You know the type I mean - when you are trying to do the dishes, while talking to someone on the phone. You end up squeezing the phone between your ear and your shoulder, while raising your entire shoulder girdle and juggling the dishes.

Old habits die hard. But this is one I really urge you to change. And it’s so simple. Use a headset. Most iPhones come with a nice, sleek headset. And if your phone didn’t come with one, there are many choices out there.

You can definitely just use the speaker function on your phone, but personally I find people end up talking way too loud and it is often not a good sound quality on the other end. Headsets provide a better sound in my opinion.

Fact is that squeezing your phone between your ear and your shoulder causes a lot of unnecessary strain on your muscles and can lead to neck and back pain and even headaches that arise from associated Trigger Points. 

In the case of the mechanic, there could have definitely been other factors involved, but this was more than likely a big part of the equation as he admitted to always using the phone this way.

Be kind to your body,
