Rowing machines


Often my clients ask me what type of exercise equipment I would recommend, when they want to purchase something for their existing home gym or when they are just starting out to put one together. And a lot of them gravitate towards Ellipticals and Treadmills. These are definitely great units and they have excellent benefits for you.

But my top recommendation for a machine is the Rowing machine. Rowing is considered one of the best full body workouts. It targets about 80% of your muscles and it can give you an excellent cardiovascular workout.

Rowing machines also have a very low impact on your joints. A treadmill for example is a bit harder on your knees and hips when running (not so much when walking). An elliptical has very low impact on your joints. But neither the Treadmill or the Elliptical provides a full body workout like the rower. A typical rowing session lasts about 20minutes (you might want to start with 10 minutes to get your body used to it and learn proper technique)

A lot of people think that it’s mostly about your arms, but that’s not the case. Rowing really works your legs, core, low back, upper back, shoulders and your arms. Rowing machines can be a bit straining on the low back, if you use improper technique and if you start to row long too soon (or with too much resistance). If you have a history of low back issues, I suggest talking to your Doctor, Physiotherapist and Personal Trainer and maybe trying a rowing machine. There is a specific technique to rowing that is easy to learn.

Here is a video that shows proper rowing technique.

There are many machines available and there are two main styles. Water rowers and air rowers. The water rowers actually have a little water tank with a blade in it, so that when you row you have a swooshing sound. Air rowers are excellent as well and they just use a different mechanism. It’s best if you do your own research on what style suits you more. Most units store extremely well. Most water rowers can actually be stored in an upright position and some air rowers can be taken apart for easier storage (such as the Concept 2)

One of the best rowers on the market is the Concept 2. I personally own this rower and highly recommend it. There are many other great rowers so check with a local Fitness shop for some other options.

Just 20 minutes of rowing a day about 4 times a week can make a huge impact on your overall health and physical fitness.

Stay healthy,
